In a first of its kind study performed by Number Sentry, the real-world impact of how a typical consumer experiences an incoming call from the Accounts Receivables Management (ARM) industry was verified. The study ran for 3-weeks in February 2020 and involved over 223,000 calls placed from 561 ARM telephone numbers currently used by ARM companies for outbound consumer calls.
The study focused on 2 important aspects:
Study Highlights
ARM originated calls are Blocked
or Labeled at varying rates depending
on the players involved in the call
Want to Learn More?
Number Sentry helps outbound callers manage how their outbound calls are presented to consumers. Starting with visibility, our online portal identifies which of your outbound numbers are being blocked on 20 USA mobile networks, 4 Cable telephony providers and the Top 10 calling name and call blocking apps.
For your calls that are not being blocked, our technology shows you any call labels being applied to your calls. Then, for your unblocked and unlabeled calls, see exactly what business name is being presented on the incoming call display when a call is placed to a consumer.
But visibility is only the beginning…
We believe that just because a call center places a lot of outbound calls – it is not unreasonable to expect that most of these calls will not be blocked or labeled.
That’s why Verified Entities* can add the free Number Mapper feature to their existing Number Sentry service to bypass improper Carrier Blocking and inaccurate Call Labeling. Number Mapper also includes industry-leading Outbound Number Lifecycle Management tools to optimize your outbound calling number usage and administration.
*Restrictions apply. The Number Mapper feature is only available to Number Mapper Verified Entities
in the Financial Services, Healthcare, Educational and Utility markets.
Ready to start connecting with consumers again?
Start by connecting with Number Sentry!
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